Trees that produce mast are very important to white-tailed deer. Arguably, the most well-known mast producing tree species are the oak species. However, mast consists of the fruits and nuts of any woody plant, including vines, brush, and trees. The importance of trees and brush species to deer is often not fully appreciated by deer managers. These species provide high protein browse and energy-rich mast for whitetail. So, what are the best mast producing trees for deer?
Mast Trees for White-tailed Deer
In this article, we will discuss mast-producing trees other than oaks that are very palatable to white-tailed deer. These are species that you may consider establishing for tree plots on your hunting property.
Trees make great long-term food plots because they are low maintenance and can produce a large volume of food with very little input once established. Remember, sunlight is a must for most species of fruit tree and, of course, the correct tree species for your property will depend upon your latitude. Great species for tree plots include:
Apple — Apples can offer a mast which is a crisp and juicy food source. Apple seedlings 4 to 5-feet tall can produce fruit as early as the second year, but make sure to take necessary precautions to protect young apple trees. The Arkansas Black apple is a great apple species for mast production. The mast is small by apple standards, but Arkansas Black apple trees begin dropping fruit around mid- to late November.

Crabapple — Crabapples produce a great soft mast and serves as a prime food for white-tailed deer. A crabapple tree seedling that is 4 to 5-feet tall can also produce mast within its second year. The two best species of crabapple you can plant are the Transcendent and the Dolgo. The Transcendent is a 2-inch, red-cheeked yellow apple yielding very large crops in early fall. The Dolgo, which produces a 1 and 1/2-inch crimson fruit, also yields healthy crops in early fall.

Pear — Pears are a soft mast which white-tailed deer love. A 4 to 5-foot tall seedling can produce fruit as early as 1 to 3-years. Pears begin dropping fruit in early October and can continue into late November. Pears are long-lived and are really among the easiest fruit trees to grow. In addition, pears are adapted to most soils, including those that are poorly drained. In the south, Keifer pears work great.

Chinese Chestnut — Chinese chestnuts are loved by deer, wild turkey, and just about every squirrel species. Despite the fact that it takes a 3-foot tall seedling 8 to 10-years to produce, if you are serious about a primo deer food, it’s worth the wait! The nut is a wildlife favorite because of the sweet flavor and huge yields. You will like it because it will help with your property’s forage management.
If you decide to go with the Chinese chestnut, make sure to plant 2 or more of these trees to make sure that they cross-pollinate. Avoid planting these tree species on alkaline soils. If you are not sure what types of soils you have on your property, get a soil test!

These are the best options for mast trees in the southeast U.S. These species grow well and whitetail love them. Other good mast producing trees for deer include:
- Common Persimmon
- Red Mulberry
- Mayhaw
- Black Cherry
- Elderberry
- Chickasaw Plum
Trees are not the only game in town, however, when it comes to mast. Vines also produce valuable soft mast and browse for deer and other native wildlife. The best mast producing vines include:
- Mustang Grape
- Muscadine Grape
- Summer Grape
- Dewberry
- Blackberry
Planting Mast Trees for Deer
Putting trees in the ground for future mast production is not a short-term deer management goal. However, you can meet your objectives of getting those trees in and growing rather quickly. All in takes is some planning, a little money for supplies and some hard work.
The best mast producing trees for a property will vary by region. It’s also good to look around and take inventory of the trees that you and your neighbors do have. Looks for trees that will perform well on your property but also are not very common in the area. These species make good choices for planting.
I own nearly 40 acres in central Illinois with 7 acres tillable and 2.5 acres in pasture. I’ve been converting some acreage from row crops to various food plot plantings. I am very interested in planting soft mast trees along with what I have. We have a good population of whitetail deer, as well as some large bucks. I need to get an idea on the varieties of trees and the amount of trees I should consider. How much might they cost, etc.
Also, have you heard of “muscadine” vines I saw in South Carolina? The deer and sheep seam to love them.
There are also some excellent blight resistant Chinese/American hybrid chestnuts that combine the best features of both types. I like the Dunstan chestnut.
I am looking to plant some apple trees as a food plot. Any suggestions of what type of Pine/Fur trees to plant for some cover in beding within Central Illinois?
What and how do you plant a food plot in the boglands near Duluth, Minnesota?
Diversify. Plant persimmons, pears, apples, crabapples, oaks, and chestnuts. When selecting varieties make sure the apples you plant are mostly maintenance free. I have all these plants listed above on my property. I recommend goldrush apple trees, transcendent and dolgo crabapples. If you choose to plant persimmons, do some research before you do. You will need a male and a female tree to get fruit. Some nurseries will sell both. Check out Edward Fort Nursery online; that’s where I’ve purchased some of my fruit trees. Good luck!!
I have 60 acres in New York State. I am looking to add apple trees and till some food plots. Where do I plant and how many? What are the best trees to use for whitetail deer?
Will crab-apple trees pollinate my apple trees turning them into crab-apple trees?
I am trying to convert some CRP into a nice deer plot in southwestern Minnesota. Any ideas for some good trees that would work there?
Kyle, although trees are a good source of vegetation, bare in mind the length of time it takes to grow them. I would suggest finding out your soil types and speaking with your local county agent. Many of times they have a biologist on hand to help with what works best in your specific area. I would also look at overseeding old CRP fields with legumes and forbs. In the long run, these will offer more benefit than what you are talking about. Good luck!
Okay, I’m no deer hunter myself, but I am doing some work mapping out the habits of deer in my area. I started noticing that there were hickory nut shells wherever there were deer trails. Do deer eat hickory nuts at all?
Kess, whitetail will eat hickory nuts, but prefer acorns. Some hickory nuts have very thick shells that make them difficult for deer to chow down on.
I just purchased 115 acres of wooded hilly land. The land was clearcut about 20 years ago, and the trees now consist of ash, poplar, a few red oaks, and chestnut oaks. I want to plant food trees. I also would like to avoid the expenses of having to clear the land. I am thinking of crabapple and pear trees. There are several springs and very moist areas- I am thinking pear trees would do well there. Sunlight will be marginal at best unless I start cutting down trees. Just wondering what you think of my plans?
Paul Bisbee, I think planting mast trees for deer is a good idea. Because you have a lot of trees that are not great whitetail trees, you will have to thin some to plant the trees you dsire. I’d start with a soil map of your property to identify the best places to plant. You will need to protect the trees you plant, as well. You can create protective areas using trees you cut or some type of exclosure.
I noticed you have the Chinese Chestnut on here, yet the Native American Hazel nut is a great choice also. Not only is it native, you can get some really good deals online on 1-2 foot trees. Same as American mulberry.
Jason, good point. Both trees are native and make excellent offerings for deer.
Hello, we are a fruit tree bareroot grower in Mcminnville,TN. We have a good supply of red del,yellow del and Arkansas black apple trees available in a 2-3 foot sizes that would be a ideal size for hunters interested in using them a food plot. Thanks, Rusty.
Rusty, thanks for letting our readers know about your supply of mast producing trees. Mast trees are a great, natural food source for whitetail that usually produce year after year, after only a small investment. One of the best ways to attract deer!
I have 60 acres in Jackson County, Georgia. I have a creek and been planting apple, pear, peach,plum, persimmon and I want to plant a some nut trees. I have about 6 apache, jumbo, and 1 other type of blackberry bush. What do you suggest for mast?
Will, the power of mast producing trees as a supplemental food and for their deer-holding ability are often underestimated by property managers. Trees take work to establish and will not have the quick payout of annual food plots, but the amount of food they produce for the amount of input is well worth it, for you and the deer on your property. As for nut producing mast trees, it’s hard to go wrong with the durability of oaks, especially bur oak. I would also look at Sawtooth oak. These trees are not native, but they are fast growing and start producing good acorn crops within about 5 years! Best of all, they are not a threat to the habitat, will not take over your property. They are rather short-lived at about 20 years, but if you plant them in combination with other nut species then you can let the others mature while Sawtooth drop acorns everywhere.
Will Chinese chestnuts cross pollinate with Dunstan Chestnut trees. I have one of each? They are about 6-7 years old.
Trees can cross pollinate to some extent. Since these species are of the same genus it’s possible. Contact your local forest service agent to see if they can verify.