It’s mid-August and that means “go time” for pre-season white-tailed deer hunters. There is no doubt countless game cameras are scattered throughout the whitetail’s range right now documenting groups of bachelor bucks in all their velvet glory. In fact, I can’t wait for the next download myself!
The pre-season, however, is not just about stand placement, feeder filling, food plot preparation and eyeing the latest deer hunting gear. Yes, those are some of the things we all do as deer season approaches, but there is something more important that should be a part of our lives, especially hunters.
Pre-Season Conditioning
It’s time to get into hunting shape, both mentally and physically. This gets more and more important with each passing year. We are not as young as we used to be. You know who you are. Join the club.
There is no better time than right now to start preparing for the physical demands of your next hunting trip. Climbing, lifting, lugging, drawing back a 70-pound bow and the sort can take a toll on a body, and physical preparation can go a long ways towards keeping you both healthy and safe.
Staying in good physical condition should be a way of life. Unfortunately, many of us fail to maintain our desired level of physical condition. For me, like a lot of other hunters, it’s about priorities. We often put other things before ourselves, whether it be our families, our work or both.
However, it’s important we take care of ourselves for THOSE very reasons. Nothing is more important than making it back home safely to our loved ones, whether it be from the office, a work trip or a hunting trip.
Pre-Season Safety
The month of August is officially Tree Stand Safety Awareness month. Each hunting season, unfortunately, a number of hunters do not make it back home because of accidents directly or indirectly related to hunting. Most hunting accidents are self-inflicted and can be avoided. As you prepare for the upcoming deer hunting season keep safety on the top of your mind, at all times.
Most hunters have careers that stress safety on the job. Maintain that training and awareness with you when you leave the job. Enjoy the pre-season prep as well as the hunting season itself, but take that safety-first attitude with you into the field.
Tree Stand Safety Awareness (TSSA), a newly formed not-for-profit 501(3)c organization with the mission of educating hunters about treestand safety, has announced that August is officially Tree Stand Safety Awareness month. August, the month that most hunters start heading back to the woods to cut trails and hang stands in preparation for upcoming hunting season, is the most opportune time for treestand awareness. TSSA is looking to get hunters to start the season by putting safety first.
Treestand accidents are annually the #1 cause of death and serious injury to deer hunters and virtually 100 percent of these incidents are preventable by implementing three simple measures: First, wear a full-body harness when hunting from a treestand. Second, stay connected from the time your feet leave the ground. Third, make sure your hunting buddies do the same. It really is that simple.