Deer Hunting Heats Up as Temps Drop

Deer Hunting in Texas - Best Hunting Times are When Deer are Active!

The month of November has nearly come and gone and, for the most part,  it looks like the whitetail deer hunting in Texas has been good to date. A good number of hunters have reported harvesting their best bucks ever, which is likely the result of above-average habitat conditions throughout much of the year combined with good deer management practices. But it’s not been all high-fives and big buck photos for every hunter.  The first couple weeks of November  were quite toasty (nothing new around here) and that kept deer movement at a minimum.

The warm weather left many hunters wondering where all of the bucks they captured on game cameras had gone. Morning hunts showed better deer movement over evening hunts, but even then deer sightings were slim for the most part. This was especially in areas that were still brimming with acorns. Fortunately, the weather improved. Mid-month delivered a real cold front across Texas that really got whitetail moving. As I traveled across the central part of the state one morning I observed no less than a dozen bucks walking behind, running after or frantically looking for does. Cold, crisp air tends to do that. Continue reading “Deer Hunting Heats Up as Temps Drop”

Texas Deer Hunting Forecast

Deer Hunting in Texas - Better Hunting through Deer Management

White-tailed deer hunting is already underway for Texas bowhunters and those ranches participating in the Managed Lands Deer Permit (MLDP) Program, but the General Season–we call it gun season–is just around the corner for the rest of Texas’ hunters. This is when the majority of deer hunters head to the field to make memories and bag and tag their personal trophies. And for those gun hunters, November 3 can not get here fast enough. But the good news for those with sharp knives, empty coolers and elevated heart rates is that opening day is just over two weeks away and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) says things are looking good for both deer and deer hunters.

Source: “The white-tailed deer herd in Texas is doing well and stable. Despite one of the worst droughts on record last year, the deer population came through with minimal population impacts. Most areas experienced low fawn survival last year, as to be expected, but we had very few reports of any significant adult mortality related to the drought. Continue reading “Texas Deer Hunting Forecast”

Deer Hunting Season Shaping Up Well

Deer Hunting in Texas

The upcoming white-tailed deer hunting season is looking good for Texas hunters. Despite the horrendous drought of 2011, habitat conditions quickly rebounded last fall after some much-needed rain. It was not nearly enough, but it helped big time. In addition, acorn crops ranged from decent to good in many areas across the state, which was pretty amazing. This was good for deer populations because it gave them abundant food sources when they needed it most, right before winter. Not only did the buffet of natural foods allow deer to recover physically, but the mild winter meant whitetail did not have to move around in search of food, which is typically when deer make themselves available for harvest.

As a result, many hunters did not see nearly the number of deer that they thought they would. The corn under the feeders did not get immediately inundated by hungry deer. Now this was not the case everywhere. Some areas did not fair so well with regards to fall precipitation. Some areas lack oak trees, acorns and the fat-rich calories they pack for winter whitetail. But much of Texas’ whitetail population pulled through well and entered the year is good shape. Did some deer die off last year? Yes, of course, but then again some always do. Continue reading “Deer Hunting Season Shaping Up Well”