Deer Management Through Browse Use

Browse consumption can be used for better whitetail deer management

Habitat is the cornerstone of white-tailed deer management. Plant communities, an important component of habitat, are composed of forbs, grasses, and woody plants (browse). Healthy, diverse habitat sustains native wildlife populations and almost always represent healthy deer herds. However, browsing of woody plants by white-tailed deer and domestic livestock may have negative impacts on perinneal shrubs, trees and the overall habitat.

Excessive browsing may lead to decreased plant vigor, increased susceptibility to disease, or decreased reproduction and seeding establishment. Stresses such as these could potentially cause the disappearance of some plant species important for quality deer habitat. Consequently, deer biologist typically quantify the most palatable browse plants in an area in an attempt to monitor browsing pressure by the local deer herd. Sound deer management decisions can be made by recording browse plant use by white-tailed deer. Continue reading “Deer Management Through Browse Use”

Doe Management: Shoot the Smallest?

The proper harvest of animals is a critical component of white-tailed deer management. Although most conversations concerning the harvest of deer are centered around bucks, the harvest of does is just as important. After all, thinning the doe population, when warranted, will improve the buck to doe ratio, slow population growth, and keep white-tailed deer numbers at the proper carrying capacity for the habitat. The management benefits of necessary doe harvest are well documented.

But when it comes to shooting does, which ones do you shoot first? With bucks, hunters typically use antler characteristics combined with the age of the deer to identify potential cull bucks and other shooter deer. Hunters have varying opinions when it comes to buck harvest, but it’s even less straight forward when it comes to shooting does. Interestingly enough, I recently had a fellow tell me that he spares the largest does and shoots the smallest. At first I thought he was just taking a stab at becoming an “armchair” biologist, but then I started to think his theory may have some merit.

Whitetail Deer Management and Doe Harvest

The general rule of thumb in deer management has always been to shoot the oldest does first, the thought being that younger does have been sired by better bucks because of culling practices that take place year after year. The result should be younger does that are genetically better than older does because of gene recombination between better bucks and better does. If this repeatedly occurs on an annual basis, then the last fawn crop should always be genetically superior (even by a small amount) to the year prior.

So, would it make sense to shoot the smallest bodied does? Well, that’s exactly what most deer managers do when it comes to removing cull bucks. White-tailed bucks are judged not only based on their age, but also against other bucks of the same age. Almost without fail, the largest bodied bucks have the largest antlers. On the flip side, bucks that have inferior racks tend to be smaller bodied than other bucks of the same age. Could the same hold true with does?

White-tailed bucks store much of the necessary minerals used for antler formation in their bones. Although they also get a good amount of the material for antler growth from their diet, additional bone bass means the ability to store more antler-growing minerals than the next buck. This explains why larger bodied bucks have better antlers. It would also give some credibility to the “shoot smaller does” theory. A manager should want to pass on the traits for deer with large-framed bodies.

Does also play a large role in the development and initial growth of fawns through rearing, particularly milk production. It would stand to reason that larger bodied does would likely be better “providers” than smaller bodied does, with fawn numbers being equal (both with single or both with twin fawns). From a reproductive standpoint, it becomes beneficial to landowners and fawns to have does with large frames.

When it comes to whitetail deer management, it’s easier to identify potential bucks for harvest than it is does. A hunter can gauge a buck’s genes by the antlers on his head, but does lack these physical yardsticks. However, a hunter can compare does of similar age by body size. Will it really help a deer herd to have a harvest strategy that targets the smallest does? I can’t say for sure, but it makes good sense, especially if you compare does based on age.

7 Reasons to Cull Whitetail Bucks

White-tailed deer management and the culling of bucks often go hand-in-hand. To attempt to improve the buck segment of any deer herd, some type of culling must take place on an annual basis. Each fall, hunters email me photos and ask, “Is this deer a cull buck?” It’s a simple enough question, but the answer depends on the quality of the whitetail bucks found on the ranch. After all, culling is relative to the buck population in question. In addition, the reasons for culling bucks are also closely tied to the manager’s objectives.

A cull buck on one ranch may be a trophy on another. Property objectives, habitat condition, food availability, and the genes found in the local deer population (for antler growth) all determine what a cull buck on a particular property will look like. Bucks found on a property must be judged against other bucks on the ranch. It would be unfair to compare deer from South Texas with a deer from East Texas or Alabama or Indiana for that matter.

Culling is best prescribed when there are too many deer for the habitat, otherwise there is no need to remove anything.  It takes a long time to skew the genetic composition of a free-ranging deer herd and, depending on the size of the property, may not be possible. Although the reasons for culling bucks may vary from hunter to hunter and between ranches, there are some physical features by which all bucks are measured. Below are 7 potential reasons to cull healthy whitetail bucks.

Deer Management: Reasons to Cull Whitetail Bucks

Missing Brow Points

Brow points (G1s) are important. Plain and simple, whitetail bucks should have brow points once they reach 2 years of age. Not only are bucks expected to have brow points, but the presence of these tines is genetically dominant over deer with one or no brow points. If bucks are missing one or both brow points, then these animals should be considered for removal from the herd. I have been on several ranches where many of the bucks were missing brow points. It happens. The only way to ensure that whitetail bucks have  brow points on a property is to remove what you can see, bucks without them.

Short Points

Bucks with short antler points are undesirable to most hunters and deer managers. When we think of great whitetail bucks, we immediately think of deer with longer points, particularly from the G2 on up. Short-tined bucks not only look inferior, they could be, possibly. I like to think that Mother Nature would want bucks to have long tines so that they could use them more effectively to defend themselves. In reality, body size is much more important when it comes to dominance, but short points in your deer herd means hunters get the short end of the stick.

Short Beams

Whitetail bucks with short main beams make for odd deer. We all know what a typical buck’s beams look like and that is what most hunters want to manage for in their deer herds. Long points and main beams add inches and inches to a buck’s Boone and Crockett score. In addition, bucks with short main beams leave no room for point placement. A manager can’t expect to have 12 point bucks when all of the bucks on the property have 15 inch main beams. It can happen, but we could all be living on the moon one day, too. And even if it did, is that what you want? Bucks with short main beams make for short-lived bucks.

No Mass

Mass is the most highly heritable antler trait for whitetail bucks. Bucks that have heavy mass are sired by bucks with heavy mass. On the other hand, deer with pencil horns come from bucks that were thin-horned. Of course, buck nutrition and age both play a role when it comes to antler mass. A buck’s antler mass will increase with age, so judge an individual buck’s mass measurements relative to other bucks of the same age class. If your property provides good deer habitat, then well-fed whitetail bucks should have good mass. If they lack antler mass, then think about culling those bucks if you need to remove deer and are concerned about maintaining good age structure within bucks (ie. shooting all of the young or old bucks on the property).

Narrow Spread

This is a matter of opinion, but most deer managers and hunters like wider spread bucks as opposed to more narrow spread bucks. In my opinion, inside antler spread is the least important measurement when it comes to a buck’s numerical score. I like ’em old. Most mature bucks only achieve an inside antler spread of about 20 inches, so even a very narrow-horned buck with a 12 inch spread just gives up 8 inches of B&C score if that is important to you . Because of this, whitetail bucks with a narrow antler spread can still score very high if they have long antler points and heavy mass. You can cull based on spread, but point length and antler mass are more important in the end.

Lack of Points

Every person interested in whitetail deer management wants to produce better bucks with more points. Antler points, like beam mass, are highly heritable traits in whitetail deer. If a buck has a low number of antler points, then the deer could be on the chopping block. The number of points a buck has must be judged against the deer’s age. The number of points a buck has as a yearling is indicative of the deer’s future. A high number of points at a young age typically means more points at an older age. Most want yearling bucks (1 1/2 years old) with 6+ points. Spikes, three, four, and five point yearlings may be potential culls depending on your objectives and where you stand with regards to the deer carrying cap.

Most hunters have heard of the infamous “management buck.” This term became popularized about 15 years ago as a way to market 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 year old 8 point bucks that were deemed culls. As a general rule of thumb, if a whitetail buck has only 8 points at 3 1/2 years of age, then the potential that he is going to “blow up” into something amazing decline drastically. Sure, the buck may throw on some stickers and kickers, but more often than not the deer has maxed out on main antler points. This may not a desirable buck if the hunter or manager is managing for 10+ point bucks. By using a selective deer harvest strategy, a manager can reduce main-frame 8 point bucks and promote whitetail bucks with more points to older age classses.


This is kind of a no-brainer. If a whitetail buck is mature, regardless of antler quality, it should be considered available for harvest. The buck may or may not be a true cull, but once a buck reaches maturity it has played its role. The problem with old-aged culls is that they have been on the property for years breeding and producing both buck and doe fawns that carry their same genes. It’s easy to identify an old cull buck, but you will do yourself and your deer management program a favor by learning how to identify undesirable, cull bucks at an earlier age. Not only will culling bucks at a young age ensure your best quality whitetail bucks do most of the breeding, but it will mean more food and better habitat for your best deer!

How Many Deer are Too Many?

Let’s face it, most landowners want to see plentiful groups of white-tailed deer running around on their property. However, those interested in improving their herd through deer management practices should want to see healthy individual animals. Why is this, you ask? That is because healthy animals are an indicator of good deer habitat and animals in good condition make for healthy white-tailed deer herds. If individuals within a population are in poor condition, then the overall population itself is in poor shape. So although we may want to sustain as many deer as possible on a ranch, what is the ideal number or the target number? The quick answer is that carrying capacity is based on habitat and environmental conditions.

In short, it’s all related to soils and precipitation, which in turn determines the plant species that grow in a particular area. But even with that said, we all know that the quality of deer habitat can vary based on a variety of factors, even within a single county or even just a mile or two down the road. The previous few sentences probably did not help anyone develop a population goal for their property, but hopefully it did help in understanding that the carrying capacity for a particular piece of property can vary widely between regions, counties, and individual ranches. To help you get a handle on how many deer you should or could have, I have outlined three measurable factors that landowners and hunters can use to monitor the health of a deer herd.

Deer Management: How Many Deer are Too Many?

Deer Body Weights

From experience, I can always determine if a property has too many deer for the available habitat based strictly on deer body weights. Deer are kind of like people in the fact that if food is available, they will usually eat it. Removing protein pellets, food plots, or any other type of forage supplement, there is only a limited amount of forage that deer can use on a particular ranch. If the ideal population size for a ranch is 100 white-tailed deer, then the property will support a population of 100 (or fewer) healthy deer. However, if more than this number of deer are on the ranch, say 130, then all of the deer on the property will be less healthy.

This phenomenon is most easily measured and assessed by collecting the field-dressed body weights of hunter-harvested deer off the property. The health of individual animals can be determined by comparing its body weight to that of healthy deer in the same age class. For example, mature (5 1/2+) and healthy white-tailed bucks anywhere in Texas should field-dress at least 125 pounds. Mature does should weigh around 80 pounds. Both sexes can easily weigh more than these quoted minimums, but they should at least reach these targets. Minimum field-dressed weights for healthy deer will vary depending on where in the country you are located, so contact your local wildlife department to get optimal field-dressed body weights (by age class) for your area.

Reproduction Measured Through Fawn Production

Fawn production is a good measure of habitat and herd health because nature does not lie. Healthy animal populations, regardless of species, will have high reproduction, high survival, and good recruitment in environments that provide everything they need. Animals need food, cover, and water, and white-tailed deer on no different. If your property provides high-quality deer habitat, then the cover and resulting food are in place.

The availability of food, as it relates to habitat condition, really impacts fawn survival. This is why fawn crops are poor during drought and high during years with high amounts of precipitation. Habitat that is being over-used by too many deer will be in poor condition, even during a “good” year. In addition to field-dressed body weights, fawn survival is generally a good measure of herd health. High fawn survival means healthy habitat. To estimate the fawn survival of the whitetail herd found on your property you will need to conduct daylight deer surveys annually. A fawn survival rate of at least 75% (75 fawns per 100 does) is indicative of a healthy deer herd and healthy habitat.

Habitat Use and Condition

Biologist often use habitat condition, as measured through browse utilization by deer, as an indicator of habitat health. This is because trained individuals know exactly which plants deer prefer to eat, those that they will eat readily, and then those that are at the bottom of the list. As mentioned above, the availability of food is important for the health of individual deer as well as the herd as a whole. Although you do not have to become an expert in plant identification to successfully manage the deer herd found on your property, it would be a good idea to become familiar with the common browse plants on your property. This will allow you to identify browse consumption by deer throughout the year and from year to year.

Once you are able to recognize a few plants from each browse category (preferred, moderately preferred, not preferred), you will understand where on the buffet line the deer on your property are eating. However, there is a trick. Highly preferred browse plants will always be consumed at high levels. The real measure of habitat health will be determined by whether or not deer are eating plants they really do not want to eat.

Developing a Target Number for the Deer Herd

Each ranch manager should determine the whitetail carrying capactiy for their ranch. This number may vary over time, but without a goal there is no need for deer management. How can one manage for something if they can not measure or detect changes? As you can tell, record keeping becomes very important if you expect to monitor the progress of the deer found on your ranch. In short, there are two ways to determine the ideal deer population size for your property. You can work from the top down or from the bottom up.

A top-down approach would be to contact a state biologist, have them come look at the habitat on your property, and then them give you a ball park number on how many animals your habitat will carry. A bottom- up approach would be for you to monitor individual deer body weights and estimate fawn production annually. In either case, you can use the same information to make the appropriate changes. If the body weights of field-dressed deer are less than optimal for the area and fawn production is low, then there are too many deer for the habitat. Adjust the population carrying capactiy downward and shoot more animals. If, however, deer are in good condition and there are plenty of fawns, then it may be possible to increase the population incrementally as long as negative changes are not measured.

Of course, the above data will be of most benefit if you are also conducting annual camera surveys or spotlight surveys. And if you are at all serious about deer management, yearly deer surveys are a must for your ranch. Deer surveys are designed to help you estimate the number of white-tailed deer on your property, but then, using body weight and fawn production data, you can determine if that is the right target for you. Once you have identified the carrying capacity for your ranch, then it’s just a matter of conducting annual surveys and harvesting the excess population. Of course, if you keep the herd at carrying capacity, then that fawn production data will give you a pretty good idea of how many animals will need to be removed each year!

How to Manage Whitetail Deer: Don’t Count Natives Out

Want to know how to manage white-tailed deer? Deer management is about herd improvement coupled with habitat enhancement. Although many hunters doubt the antler potential for native whitetail bucks in their area, in every area where white-tailed deer exists bucks exceeding 170 Boone and Crockett inches can be grown.

In fact, I have seen native 190+ inch bucks come from every region in Texas. And Texas is not alone. Of course, in free-ranging, native deer populations the majority of bucks will have their antlers max-out anywhere from 120 to 150 inches at maturity (5 1/2+ years old). These are good bucks. At maturity, most bucks will be good deer.

How to Manage Whitetail Deer

With that said, most deer hunters have never harvested a whitetail buck exceeding 130 inches. Why? For starters, most hunters are hard-pressed to find well-nourished bucks. Often times, habitat is in poor condition from livestock operations or there is simply a lack of deer food/habitat. This is often the case in farming communities where the only available habitat is low-lying land, untillable areas where woodlots have developed, or along creeks and rivers.

 Deer Management: Managing Native Whitetail Bucks

Deer can forage on most row crops, but only during certain stages of growth or at maturity. The remainder of the time the crops are not consumed or the alleged “habitat” is plowed dirt. Well-nourished bucks need good habitat throughout the year.

Manage Whitetail Bucks for Maturity

Maturity. Show me a mature buck and I’ll show you a deer that more than one hunter is willing to put on a wall. Age, nutrition, and genetics combine to determine the potential for any whitetail buck’s antlers. Without a little age, a buck will never reach his true potential. The short answer for this maturity phenomenon is that it takes 3 years for a buck to complete his long bone growth. After this time, valuable minerals can be put toward antler growth, not skeletal growth. Bones also help store minerals prior to and during antler growth.

Mature bucks are easy to talk about, but few hunters will let a potentially great deer walk. And it’s not because deer hunters do not have patience, it’s simply because most of us do not have enough land to ensure that the buck we pass this hunting season survives into the next season or the hunting season after that. It’s difficult for anyone hunting on 30 acres, 100 acres or even a few hundred acres of land to let a young 140 inch deer walk through.

Sure, that buck may end up being over 200 inches at maturity, but what are the odds that your neighbor let’s him walk, too? And your neighbor’s neighbor? This is why the best thing small landowners can do is form deer management cooperatives with their neighbors, form some bylaws so that everyone is one the same page, and stick to them.

Managing Whitetail Deer Nutrition

So proper deer nutrition and age are very important, but genes, of course, play a part. I mentioned earlier that most native bucks will likely never exceed 120 to 150 inches, even at maturity. However, habitat that provides proper nutrition with or without supplemental feeding can add another 10 to 20 inches, but genetics still determine how big a whitetail buck can get.

A buck with “superior” genes for antler growth will outperform bucks with “normal” genes for antler growth under the same conditions. Exceptional bucks are just that, exceptions to the rule. This is where the management part must take place for the whole deer management concept to work.

Whitetail Management: How to Implement

Take any group of bucks on any property in any part of the country and some deer will have larger antlers than the others. Regardless of the bucks a property owner has to start with, the best whitetail bucks on the property are the very deer that a hunter should be managing to increase the quality of the bucks found in the deer herd. And in this case, management involves NOT shooting them young, rather providing them and their offspring with good habitat to survive and thrive in.

The other bucks should be culled, harvested, and removed, if possible. Culling is not a must. A property can still produce good bucks in the absence of culling. How to manage whitetail deer on your property is up to you. As mentioned earlier, most mature bucks are good deer. Culling is best applied to deer herds when excess deer need to be removed to keep the population in check with the habitat that is available.

In short, if a bunch of deer need to be removed from a property during a given year or over a series of years do not shoot all of the best deer or all of the mature deer, but focus on taking some trophies and then cleaning up some of the “lesser” bucks found throughout the age classes.

Managing Deer Takes Time

Repeating this process methodically year after year while keeping the herd size at an appropriate level for the habitat will SLOWLY improve a deer herd. It’s difficult to change the genetic composition of a deer herd but culling will allow the native bucks that reach maturity to be the best bucks that the property can produce.

It’s a mistake to over-focus on the culling of bucks as THE way to manage a deer herd. Managing for good deer herd nutrition and allowing bucks to reach maturity will go further towards reaching your goals. Research has shown that fawns that start off in good shape end up being bigger, more healthy deer. For that, you need healthy does with plenty of food. And as for bucks, with proper nutrition and a little bit of age, most hunters would be quite surprised at what a native white-tailed buck can do. And more than happy to put it on their wall!