Remember the piebald buck that was reportedly harvested in East Texas. Well, the uniquely-colored buck was harvested near Palestine, but it was actually shot this year as opposed to last year, as my original research found. Photos of the deer have hit the deer hunting web and the stories of where this deer was harvested are as numerous as the buck’s spots! In order to clear things up about this news-making buck, here is rest of the story:
“My husband (James Curtis) is the one who killed the piebald buck in East Texas that has created quite a bit of interest on the Internet. I just wanted to give you the facts so that you can update your website. You can actually see the buck on the Texas Big Game Awards website, as well as on their TropyWatch.
The deer was actually killed November 2, 2008, on a privately owned ranch outside of Palestine, Texas. The piebald deer scored 138 5/8 gross with a total body weight of 195 pounds. My husband is getting the deer full body mounted. Anyways, I just wanted to give you this information since there are lots of emails going around saying the deer was harvested in Michigan, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Georgia just to name a few. One email even says that the deer was sold to Cabelas for $13,000! It is crazy.”